Including Your Address On Your CV

Most resume templates you can find online will include the full address, including street, house number, and zip code. Many people also add their address without even thinking.

However, in the digital age, there is growing concern as to whether this practice is effective or whether it is actually safe.

Why you should include your address on your resume

There are a number of reasons why you should include your address on your resume:

Employers expect to see this

It is still standard practice to include address and contact details at the top of the resume. Therefore, many employers will expect your address there.

If you’re applying for a position in traditional sectors like finance, law, government, etc., it might not be worth giving up convention.

Your address can ease travel concerns

If you live locally, it may be helpful to provide your address as some employers favor local candidates, especially if they want to fill a job quickly.

Employers want to make sure you get to work on time; by providing a local address, you will let them know that it will be easy to get home.

Your salary depends on your location

Very often, wages depend on the subsistence level in certain areas; for example, a London candidate is usually offered a higher salary than a Manchester candidate because the costs are higher in London.

While this may sound unfair, it is standard practice and many employers require detailed information about your location before proposing to you.

Establishes trust

Adding your address will build the employers’ confidence and let them know that you are not constantly on the road. The last thing an employer wants to cover is the hiring costs, just so you decide you’ll continue working in a couple of months.

This allows employers to perform background checks

For many jobs, employers must conduct background checks to check if you have a criminal record and have lived in the same place for a specified number of years.

Withholding your address makes it difficult to verify your background information and you will not be able to proceed with the application process.

Eliminates confusion on previous positions.

If you’ve moved a lot and / or worked multiple jobs, including your current address can clear up the confusion about where you currently are.