Including A Professional Email Address on Your CV

Your email address is the first thing recruiters notice because it’s at the top of your resume among your contact details. If it doesn’t reflect the image you’re trying to convey (hopefully professionalism), it doesn’t matter how good your resume is.

Don’t use a non-professional email address

When including your email address on your resume, it’s important to think about the impression it makes. An email address like or may sound funny to your friends, but it’s blatant about being unprofessional for recruiters.

Likewise, using a personal email address that includes your year of birth provides information that you might not want to disclose and that could leave you vulnerable to age discrimination.

Submitting an application by email

You might think that if you are applying by email, you do not need to include an email address on your resume. However, it is not.

Resumes are often printed by employers and recruiters as this makes it easier to scan and read. If an employer prints out your resume, it is separated from your email. So include an email address so they don’t have to remember which email to reply to!

When applying by email, please send your resume and cover letter as a PDF attachment. This will preserve the formatting of both documents. Add file names that include your first name, last name, title, and document type so that recruiters and hiring managers can easily identify and categorize your documents, for example

John_Smith Marketing_Manager_CV

Also, include a subject in your email to make sure it gets to the right place, that is, in the hands of the hiring manager.

Applying by mail or online form

When applying by mail or online application, we strongly recommend that you continue to include your email address on your resume.

Large companies and recruiting agencies tend to process high volumes of applications and can rarely reply to you by mail. By including an email address, you will give them a quick and easy way to contact you.

Online application forms usually have a field to enter your email address that you cannot bypass.

Set up your email address if you don’t have one

Nowadays, it is rare not to have an email address. However, if you do not have an email address, it is highly recommended that you set it up. This is because recruiters expect to be able to reach you via email.

What’s more, an email address allows you to work with job applications on the go without being tied to a desk. You can send and receive emails from any internet-connected device, including laptops, smartphones, and even smartwatches.

Be sure to check your email when applying for a job so you don’t miss out on interview invitations! Also check your “spam” and “spam” mailboxes in case there are messages from recruiters.

Don’t use your work email address

When you are working, it is always wise to look for a job as carefully as possible. If your boss realizes that you are looking for a new job, it can raise questions about your reliability and loyalty. To make matters worse, they may start looking for a new employee and kick you out before you are ready to leave.

There is also the risk of a coworker forwarding or copying a work-related email that could provide an unfavorable recommendation or even snatch the job right under your nose.

Get rid of the headaches associated with using work email by using a personal email address or an address that you specifically set up for job applications.

What is the best email address to apply for a job?

A good email address contains your last name and your first name or the initial of your first name so that it can be easily identified. Examples of a professional email address for someone named John Smith:

john_smith @ domainname.countrycodejohn.smith @ domainname.countrycodejohn_smith @ domainname.countrycodej_smith @ domainname.countrycodej.smith @ domainname.countrycode

Ideally, you should also use an advanced and up-to-date email provider like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo. For Apple users, iCloud Mail is probably the best choice.

While using a provider like AOL is perfectly acceptable, as it is older than the Internet, it can give the impression that you are behind the times.

If you want to take it one step further, you can even create your own domain. Personal domain emails not only look more professional but are also less likely to end up in your spam folder. Your personal domain might look something like this:

